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Educational Therapy

Get to the Heart
of your child's learning difficulties.

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Children who struggle in school often suffer from a loss of self-esteem. 

Educational therapy takes the sting out of learning by providing kids with the tools they need to succeed.


As confidence grows, children unlock their potential and master new skills for academic and social-emotional growth.



It is a myth that people are either born smart or not. 
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Educational therapy helps kids of all learning styles, abilities, and disabilities to develop a growth mindset of success. 


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For students who have convinced themselves that they will fail, educational therapy changes the narrative in their heads, offering the support they need to improve their grades and feel good about themselves.

As an Educational Therapist, I build positive relationships with kids using a safe and encouraging non-judgemental approach that can disarm even the most reluctant of learners. Sessions are available virtually or at home, depending on your family’s preferences and needs. 

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find out How educational therapy
can make a difference in your child's life.

"Lisa takes the time to get to know her students – their likes and dislikes and their strengths and weaknesses—and she finds a way to motivate them and teach them skills they can use for their future years in school."

—Parent, Middle Schooler

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There is help

Educational therapy benefits children with dyslexia and other language-based learning difficulties, ADHD, executive function deficits, processing disorders, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and those kids who struggle to learn but do not have a diagnosis.

Educational therapy targets:
  • Planning, prioritizing and following through
  • Organizing and managing time
  • Getting started, avoiding procrastination, and filtering out distractions
  • Studying for and taking tests
  • Improving reading and writing skills
  • Building memorization skills
  • Managing large projects from start to finish
  • Self-awareness and self-advocacy
  • Self-restraint and controlling impulses
  • Flexible thinking and managing transitions
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I know how families suffer when a child struggles in school. I also know the powerful role that a professional approach can play in turning the situation around. 

I was “that child,”and I want to be that champion for your child. 

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